Abuse Strips People of Their Hope

The horrible effects of working under toxic employers are legion. Dan Allender, the author of the book, "Bold Love," says, “Evil…strips people of their hope.”[1] A study found up to 15% of suicides committed in Sweden were “due to isolation and victimization at work.”[2] It is hard to hope in a future when caught in the brokenness … Continue reading Abuse Strips People of Their Hope

The Failure of Boards and Preempting Toxic Strikes

Let's say a group of 40 current and former missionaries sent a letter to you as a member of the Board of Directors for a Christian organization. In that letter, the missionaries complained that the leadership of the organization treated employees and nationals harshly and lacked integrity and accountability.  Not only did these particular missionaries … Continue reading The Failure of Boards and Preempting Toxic Strikes

Sinking a Christian Organization: Normal Leadership Failures

There once was a frog swimming happily in a river. He heard a voice call out from the riverbank. As he came closer he saw it was a scorpion. The scorpion asked the frog for a ride across the river. The frog, knowing scorpions, refused saying, "Scorpions sting. How do I know you won't kill … Continue reading Sinking a Christian Organization: Normal Leadership Failures

Confrontation: Lions and Tigers and Bears…

Graham, one of my interviewees when researching toxic organizational leadership, expressed dismay at his “naiveté” in believing there would be “healing and reconciliation” when he was involved in a confrontation with his CEO. His organization had been founded and built into an international mercy ministry by the CEO. Having carefully planned a humble approach with the … Continue reading Confrontation: Lions and Tigers and Bears…